This Team is providing opportunities for reaching out and sharing the love and fellowship of a church family that is committed to
Christ. We try to draw people into a relationship with Christ through involvement in the local church. Our focus is on "in-reach"
and "outreach."
Some of the Christian-centered family oriented activities that the Team has sponsored for the community include:
- Pastor
Daytime Bible Study
- Marriage Retreat
- Christmas Caroling to the elderly and shut-ins
- Spiritual Gifts Sunday Service
- Get Acquainted
Community Dinner
- Valentine "Sweetheart" Dinner
- "Stretch Your Dollar" Seminar
- Parents of Young Children Sunday School Class
- Mother-Daughter
- Prayer Service for Our Nation
- South African Program
- "Helping Our Neighbor" lunches
- Christmas Wreath Making Class
- Young Adult Advisory
Group for Zion
- "Dress for Less" Fashion Show
- Retreat Speaker for Spiritual Renewal
Click here to access the Evangelism/Outreach Events Flyer