The Disciples Women group is one of the mission organizations of the Church. We are women united in making the congregation aware
of the many needs of missions all over the world and at home.
At Zion, our Disciple Women, work together to support the Mission
activity of the Church. We support families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. We contribute with our Blessing Boxes and give to many
mission projects at home and abroad.
We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. We do not meet the months of July and
August. Come be a part of our group as we share the love of Christ!
The Disciples Women met on May 3rd and had 8 members present.
A bake sale was held May 14th. $221.12 was made and will help fund future
Plans were made to support Nature Camp again this year.
The 2016 graduates will be honored in June.
The next meeting is scheduled
for June 7th.